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TIME CONVERSION CALCULATORThere are different ways we measure time. You can use your watch or a clock, a calendar. Maybe you follow the sun or the seasons. Because time often lets us know what is happening in nature. Should it be light or dark, should it be warm or cool. Because time is based on nature it doesn't fit well with the metric system. There is not 10 hours in a day, or 10 days in a month, or 10 months in a year! Therefore the Time Conversion Calculator is necessary to help you convert such things as weeks and hours into years or years into seconds or hours. There are many different ways you can use the time conversion calculator below. If you think it might be able to calculate something to do with time, it probably can - give it a go. Here are some suggestions of the types of problems it can solve:
See below for further instructions. When using the Time Conversion Calculator there are a few things to be aware of -