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Understanding the power of your Heart Rate Zones

Under development.  More calculators to be added soon.  Click on the links above or below to find the calculation you seek.

Heart Rate Zones

The rate at which your heart beats whilst you are exercising has a dramatic effect on the quality of your training and on the rate at which you can loose weight.  Use this calculator to choose your training zone


Convert between various SI (Metric) and Imperial (UK) units for speed.  There is a special section for track athletes which shows the time it would take to travel the Olympic distances at the speed given


We often feel that it is necessary to discount our prices to try to attract more customers.  But how often do we calculate the impact that the discounting is having on our business.  Try these calculations - you may get a surprise

Unit Conversions

Convert between many different units for just about anything you can measure


Calculators for managing your physical and mental health through food, cooking, fitness and meditation

Cooking Temperatures

Convert the traditional oven temperatures into Fahrenheit and Celsius and vica versa


Calculators that bring science and technology closer to your everyday life


Calculators for fitness, coaching, performance measurement in a great variety of sports


A Myriad of calculations for effective and efficient management of your business and for achieving what you set out to achieve


Convert between various SI (Metric) and Imperial (UK) units for pressure

Fuel Consumption

Provide either a measure of fuel consumption or a volume consumed and a distance travelled and calculate the fuel consumption.  Inputs provided and outputs returned in a variety of SI (metric) and imperial (UK) and mixed units


Enter a number of years, days, weeks, hours minutes and seconds and this converter will express the length of time in a myriad of different ways.  For example you can use this converter to calculate the number of seconds in a year.


Use this calculator to calculate the savings you will earn through superannuation.


Calculate out how much you owe on a home loan.


See how much your earning per month through a savings account, or how much you owe from a mortgage.